
A Challenge


I love to challenge myself. Especially when I find an area in my life where I need growth. I do better if I find a way to challenge growth rather than leave it at an ambiguous, "I need to work on that." If I have a plan, a goal, I actually gain some ground.

Some of you may have read about my Happy Herbivore Abroad Challenge. I have been making a recipe from the cookbook Happy Herbivore Abroad every day for the past 80 days and will continue until I work through all the recipes. Why? Because I wanted to liven things up at our dinner table.  It has been a blessing to the entire family. I have seen such growth in my kids. For example, I called home the day we were making pizza and asked my kids what they wanted on their pizza, my 13 year old boy said, "Can I have asparagus and broccoli on mine?" I smiled a big ole proud mama smile. That is growth! And in such a short time.

Lindsay Nixon over at Happy Herbivore made a post a few days ago about a great New Recipe Saturday Challenge. I loved the idea: create or try a new recipe every Saturday. I can do that. A way to have some fun playing with my food, which I highly encourage for everyone.  Wanna join me? Play with your food.

Yesterday, I made a Curry Chik'n Salad that was beautiful. Flavorful and much cheaper than the cost of our deli's version. And so I share with you my first "New Recipe Saturday." Enjoy!

Curry Chik'n Salad
1 pound of Beyond Meat or Seitan (I actually weighed it)
4 Teaspoons curry
1 1/4 cup of vegan mayo
3 green onions chopped
1/2 cup currants
1/2 red bell pepper diced
1 celery stalk diced
1 cup raw cashews
Salt and pepper to taste

Slightly warm your Beyond Meat or Seitan. I used my small convection oven at 175 degrees so I wouldn't burn it. Put in medium mixing bowl. In blender, Vitamix or with whisk, mix curry into mayo. Add to your mixing bowl along with all your veg (diced little itty bitty). Add your currants  and cashews. Stir until it is mixed thoroughly. Add salt and pepper to taste.  Serve over greens of your choice.

My husband likes it in a wrap. Or in a sandwich. It's all good. Play with your food. That's what we do.


  1. I love your blog! Keep the posts coming - the world needs more Jana.

    1. I don't know about the world needing more Jana, but I will keep blogging. Thanks!
